A new start

My boyfriend and me used to live in different towns due to work and saw each other only on the weekends.
Hence we had/have heaps of stuff twice, starting with every(-day)-weekend cosmetica and kitchen-stuff (no: "heck, we can´t cook this here - the big pot is in the other place" - we have two big cooking pots), from this to having four bikes and so on.
I have a current blog documenting our lives.
In this blog here I gathered all the stuff we really have/had double.
My boyfriend lived near a creek. Some years ago the darn thing went over the edge, flooding his apartment. This happened again in 2007 - twice. The second time was really bad.
We hence now live together - finally (his words: "if the water comes in here again..." made it!!) After 13 years! I am so happy!
I don´t like to delete this blog. After all it documents a long way of our lives.
The blue kitchen table you find here... I built it myself and was so happy to see it go to rubbish for the price of living together!
Some other things didn´t make it. I can see them here.
Happily there is no more stuff to document a live that is based on a relationship that exists for real only on weekends (it had good sides, too, certainly!!!).
I close this blog down, I guess. Feel free to come over the "vivid one" or see some of the stuff we had really double - I never had the "chance" to finish this project, though.
If you live in a situation reflected here and want to get in contact, feel free to place a comment, I´ll see ya and will answer.

I grew up in the Blue Mountains in Australia, but when I left home I moved around a lot. I don´t feel totally at home in Austria, but it is not only living in Austria but living in a small town which takes lots of getting used to. But then Australia has changed since I lived there. But I have reached the stage that I realise there are good and bad things about both countries. I have more opportunities here in Austria. I have a nice life, but a bit isolated. I miss decent shopping, though and the things you can get in Australia (but then again, I would be poor if I brought everything). Thanks for the offer of a kettle. Ours is going OK but will let you know when it breaks down.....
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