Really Double

Here is the stuff we have twice...

Thursday, August 03, 2006

"similar" - statues

Yes, we also have decorating stuff twice - this one is to be found at Ingos´ place:

And this one in my place:

I hope one day not too far in the future they can be a couple.

The orange ashtray and the Kim-cigarettes are deco, too. My Mom used to smoke those when I was young and ashtrays like that were fancy then, too.

Colors of the seventies, colors of a happy childhood :-)


Wednesday, August 02, 2006

"similar" - oven

Ingo´s oven:

And mine:

Not much to add here. They both hang high in the kitchens, not easy for me to reach and I´m someone who is really very afraid of getting burned.
The bravest I can come up with is heating up a pizza and grab it out with a fork. Everything more difficult is Ingo´s job.
Well, we don´t use the ovens much.
Hmmm, we could make Ragout Fin once again. Or croissants... Great. Now I have appetite on that stuff, sitting here with bread and carrots (lunch break at work).
