"exact" - cucumber & fishing rod
Ingo loves these special cucumbers, so he bought 51 "Spreewälder Gurken".
To have them at hand anytime he brought some to my place.
They are decimated in number, here you see what´s left at Ingos place:

At my place:

I hope ´till winter they are eaten up. He placed them on my heating...
See the fishing-rod-game? I just had to buy it. in 1999 we bought this one which is in Ingos place (please click to enlarge):

Those days toys were rather expensive in Germany. When we came to Australia we found the so-called "Two-buck-shops" where we really loved to browse through. This toy is from a regular Coles-store, though. I don´t remember the little towns´ name (and the dairy of the journey where I might have it is in my place, whereas I am at Ingos place right now).
It was somewehere in the asherton Tabellands. We stopped for an overnight stand, went to Coles and.... they must have had a baker who was from France - we found something called "petit pain" (little bread) and they were exactly like german bread rolls!
We stayed a whole day longer just to eat them again!
I love Australia but they don´t have real bread or bread rolls over there. This was the only thing we missed.
In Germany (and France) bread rolls are crunchy on the outside and fluffy inside. The ones in Australia are rather slushy.
That and sausages is what we really didn´t like. Especially the sausages! They were really awful. They were flabby with no structure. We bought them just once.
But well, there is more than food ;-)
And, I certainly have to add: Germany has not those pies you find in Australia, which I really miss. I will have some in december :-)
Yes, and to always remind me of the beautiful time we had there, I had to buy this fishing-rod-game, too...
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